Friday 13 January 2012

Yay, thin blood ! ! ! ! !

Went in and got the blood results today. I am at 2.3 which is good. The Lasix has been increased because somewhere along the line it seems like it stopped working. I have put on 7 pounds in the past week just from fluid retention. Consequently my BP has been going up. Its not real critical, but we have to stay on top of it.

I still have to get blood tests every week until we're sure that I am stabilized as far as anti-coagulation. I see the cardiologist this coming Thursday again for another follow up.

It makes me a little unsure that my blood has hit the mark so fast. Its not like me. I wonder if it is due to the extra dose I had on the Friday to sort of give me a boost. Ah well, we'll find out soon enough. Its just that the way the rare things or weird things happen to me, it just seems unusual to get the dosage right on the second try.

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