Friday morning, I still have this cough thing and my leg is feeling a bit better. I get a call from the nurse. She didn't get the message the night before. She asks me if I can come in for 9:30 that morning to see the PA , and I agreed.
I was there on time. He wasn't, but he comes and gets me and then proceeds to tell me that there was nothing on the chest x-ray. This is between coughing bouts I'm having where I am apparently trying to expel my lungs.
He is back and forth as to whether I should have a doppler done on the leg to rule out a clot. Then should he put me on antibiotics? Well, not sure on that one, because he doesn't know what's wrong with my leg. Then I get a message from the clinic's pharmacist that she wants to talk to me about my INR (blood clotting ability). I go in there when I can and my numbers went down. That's right, we increased the dosage and I have gone from 1.7 to 1.3 (they want it close to 2.3)
No, no, no. Wrong way. I was increased so I should be BETTER.
They can't think of what I have done different or what could be happening, but its down. So I get a change again. This time I am to take 6mg a day. That's one and a half 4 mg tablets.
I also have to go get a doppler done on my leg. I can't go to my swimming, because if it is a clot we don't want to be moving around and then it comes loose and I have a stroke or something. AND if its just the eczema and its infected I can't go in the pool. Well thanks for wrecking my Friday.
Anyway, I have to go to this place on the mountain (that's what the people who live on the escarpment call it) and I have an appt. for 2:00.
The PA is trying to make the decision of whether to give me an antibiotic in case it is just an infection. Now he and the pharmacist have to co-ordinate what will happen. He casually says 'if its a clot you won't be coming home' so we need to have one in place in case it isn't.
What do you mean "I won't be coming home"?
Well, if its a clot you go in the hospital to manage it. no.
Finally I am given the prescription, and if it IS a clot and no antibiotic take 6mg. If its an infection and I have to take the antibiotic then take 5 mg warfarin.
Which brings us to this week. I went to get blood done Monday. Nurse wasn't there. So I go Tuesday and also have an appointment with my doctor. He was glad there was no clot. He doesn't think medication is needed for the leg, and he does think they are on the right track with getting this controlled. It is liable to be all over the place while we try to stabilize the dosage. Eventually I may even have to get a hospital bed to sleep in because I can raise the head end up to breathe easier.
And how was your week?
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