Saturday, 4 February 2012

I am getting closer. Whoops, maybe not.

I have been feeling pretty crappy all week and come Friday I was to go swimming. I didn't push myself, but thoroughly enjoyed being in the water again.

Well, I was quite tired afterward, but stopped back at the clinic to see if I could get my INR number as I was going to be at work and the pharmacist wouldn't be able to talk to me personally. I am at 1.7 again so the warfarin has gone to 7mg a day and then blood test on Wednesday. I'll tell you, it involves math and stuff. She has to figure out what I had in a week and what the percentages are and then I go up or down to reach the percentage needed.

I was to be at work for 2:00 and I really didn't feel like going. But I did. I got ready and was there for two. I had to take the girl off express for her break and one of the head cashier people came out and asked how I was feeling. I had been there 10 minutes and I was feeling pretty bad. I told her that and she asked if I wanted them to get somebody. She was surprised when I said yes, because I usually stick this crap out.

They were able to get someone and I left after 45 minutes. They said to go home and feel better. I said 'no, I'm going right to the cardiologists office'. Which I did. Got a choice parking place right off the bat and was in there for about 2:55. They actually squeezed me in. (Yet another reason why I am so glad I switched cardiologists.) He listened and said that I have returned to the fibrillation again and he was afraid of that. He didn't want to switch me to this other drug but he feels he has no choice. If my heart isn't happy at 100mg of the other drug, 150mgs aren't going to help either.

So I now no longer take the heart rhythm medication or the beta blocker type drug, Now I am on this very powerful rhythm drug that has lots of potential side effects, but he feels this is what we have to do. He is going on vacation the end of next week and would normally rather see me the week he's gone, but I am going in the following week.

Also, if it doesn't get better or should get worse I am to go to EMERG as my doctor's office won't be able to handle the issue. I would need more agressive therapy.

Stay tuned  . . . . . .  . . . . . . .

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