There are some people I have met through a complicated process (see the end of this posting if interested) that wanted to have us over for dinner. Well, it would take less to get half the United Nations together. They both work, we both work, my hubby plays different instruments with different bands so he is always rehearsing or playing or traveling to or from one thing or another.
It was finally decided that the only day we all had free was the Sunday night before Christmas. Great!! The husband of said inviting household is a guitar player and had been wanting to meet my husband. Except that at the last minute my husband's project members decided that they did indeed want to get another practice in before a recording session next month.
Supper had to be moved up by a few hours, but my hubby missed out anyway. He had to leave before supper was ready but he did get to play for and with them for a while. He now has a couple of 'man-fans'. The other husband and a friend of his have a man crush on my hubby. They are amazed at the way he plays, they are enthralled with his guitar collection, they want to know all they can about him. "Man-Crush" ! ! ! !
A nice surprise about the evening was that my best friend and her husband, who live across the street, were invited for dinner as well. It was a wonderful evening. Their daughter, who I adore, although to her face I make like I can barely tolerate her, is amazing. We were talking computery/internet/blog stuff. Such a knowledgeable and astonishing young woman. She has her own blog (A Gossip of Sexy 30-Somethings) happening that I am still trying to figure out. It is like a novel and has been going on for a while so I am just beginning to get the gist of it.
Apparently she had a 'wardrobe malfunction' that she was completely taking into stride until yours truly found a little snide comment to make. I almost had her blushing and she got in a shot at me too so we are still even. I really like the way we kibbutz back and forth. She does the same sort of thing to me in the grocery store when she comes in. I love having people that I can trade barbs with. It is really nice to meet someone that is quick with come backs. I find it challenging and amusing.
Our hosts are such nice people. They want to have us over again when my husband can stay longer. I am very happy to have found this group of people to add to my life.
The Complicated Story:
My best friend lives in a neighbourhood not far from where I work. Across the street from her are two people with two teenage daughters. One of the daughters applied to work at the store and was told by my friend that I would look out for their daughter at the store ( I was asked first whether I would). The daughter and I hit it off and sometimes one or the other of the parents would come in to pick her up or buy groceries and say hi to me.
Then one night in the summer, I made an extra rice pudding for my best friend and took it to her house. She wasn't home so I asked the neighbour whether she could give it to them when they came back. Gladly, she said, and then noticed that it was rice pudding. She wanted to make some for her hubby (who LOVES rice pudding) so I gave her my Mum's recipe that I have had for like a hundred years. Its not TOO detailed so there was a bit of a mess with the first rice pudding she made. I offered to help her sometime and one thing led to another and we are great friends now.
I told you it was complicated.
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Thursday, 25 December 2008
Christmas Morning
When I lived in the country I loved doing my chores. Christmas morning was my favourite. As we all know anticipation helps a lot with the enjoyment of Christmas. It allows our curiosity to build and if you have your work done ahead of time it leaves you moments that you can use for opening and enjoying presents. Or for just enjoying, period.
On Christmas morning I would always get up and make sure all the animals were well fed. They each got a special treat even if it was just some extra attention. I would clean out the waters and make sure it was all fresh and not frozen. I loved to do the bird feeders and especially putting peanut butter on the trees for the nuthatches and chickadees. One time I even had a little chickadee land on my knife while I was getting peanut butter out of the jar. WoWWW.
The bunnies would get carrots and the horse got an apple. The animals seemed to sense the difference in my mood too. They respond to the vibes you give off and therefore it seems like they know its Christmas too.
We had these Muscovy ducks and they are quite gregarious little creatures. They wag their tail at you, and it would be so nice to carry them some cracked corn and watch all the tails going and have the males chuckle at you. They sort of hiss a 'hee hee hee' at you and bob their heads.
My dogs (I used to breed and show Rough Collies) would always respond to the different mood that day and I loved to have them all out running around and playing and chasing each other. And ME!!! We used to roll in the snow and wrestle.
The one thing you could count on happening every single day,(even Christmas) was Harry the goose hissing at you and trying to smack you with a wing. The other geese were quite nice and seemed to know who fed them, but Harry was evil on two webbed feet. One time as i was exiting the barn, he surprised me and got me in the ankle. I went down because my whole leg went numb it hurt so much. I saw him coming and the only thing I could think to do was to grab him by the neck and lift him off the ground. He didn't know what to do then because he was totally helpless. I could almost see fear in his eyes when he realized I could shorten his life. I didn't because I actually have admiration for something that weighs 8 pounds and thinks it can take on a full grown, very hurt and angry woman.
Harry, I actually miss you.
Merry Christmas everyone ! ! ! ! ! !
On Christmas morning I would always get up and make sure all the animals were well fed. They each got a special treat even if it was just some extra attention. I would clean out the waters and make sure it was all fresh and not frozen. I loved to do the bird feeders and especially putting peanut butter on the trees for the nuthatches and chickadees. One time I even had a little chickadee land on my knife while I was getting peanut butter out of the jar. WoWWW.
The bunnies would get carrots and the horse got an apple. The animals seemed to sense the difference in my mood too. They respond to the vibes you give off and therefore it seems like they know its Christmas too.
We had these Muscovy ducks and they are quite gregarious little creatures. They wag their tail at you, and it would be so nice to carry them some cracked corn and watch all the tails going and have the males chuckle at you. They sort of hiss a 'hee hee hee' at you and bob their heads.
My dogs (I used to breed and show Rough Collies) would always respond to the different mood that day and I loved to have them all out running around and playing and chasing each other. And ME!!! We used to roll in the snow and wrestle.
The one thing you could count on happening every single day,(even Christmas) was Harry the goose hissing at you and trying to smack you with a wing. The other geese were quite nice and seemed to know who fed them, but Harry was evil on two webbed feet. One time as i was exiting the barn, he surprised me and got me in the ankle. I went down because my whole leg went numb it hurt so much. I saw him coming and the only thing I could think to do was to grab him by the neck and lift him off the ground. He didn't know what to do then because he was totally helpless. I could almost see fear in his eyes when he realized I could shorten his life. I didn't because I actually have admiration for something that weighs 8 pounds and thinks it can take on a full grown, very hurt and angry woman.
Harry, I actually miss you.
Merry Christmas everyone ! ! ! ! ! !
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Past Experiences
I often talk to the different people that I meet at work, plus various co-workers and tell them about my experiences owning a small hobby farm.
Apparently the stories are funny, amusing, entertaining or all three. Its been mentioned that I should write a book. Until that time comes I thought I'd start putting some remembrances down here. I have always regretted not getting every story I could from my parents before I lost them both.
So here goes:
My best friends lived in the house next door, same side of the road about 1/8 of a mile away. We both bred and showed rough collies which is actually how we met in the first place. (another story)
Anyway, one day they called me up to show me their new 'puppy'. I go running over to find its a baby pig. I WAS IN LOVE. I helped them raise theirs up to butchering weight and we all enjoyed the experience.
Nothing would do that I didn't get my own piglet a few years later. Well live and learn. Pigs are very smart. Plus they are social. So here we are with one little pig in his own little stall in the chicken house. All nice and secure. A few days later my parents came over to see the little guy and after looking they came into the house. I went downstairs to get some laundry out of the machine and look up at the basement window in time to see this little animal go running by.
I realized it was the pig and called to my parents as I run up two stairs at a time. We end up chasing this little thing all over the country side. Up the road, around the yard, through the trees, down the road until I am actually starting to gain on him. Suddenly out the corner of my eye this shape flies by me and throws a rolling body check at the little pig. It was my Dad!!! He was 50 years old at the time but he caught the lovely little pork chop.
We put him back in and closed the door. Five minutes later the pig is standing in the yard. This time it didn't take as long to catch him. He was still quite frisky, like the previous experience was just a warm up, but we managed to corner him in the other barn. As we put him back in the pen, my Dad made every thing so secure Houdini wouldn't have gotten out. We stood and watched this little pig and my Dad said you could actually see him figuring out how he was going to get out this time. He said it was a good thing the pig didn't have a slide rule.
He never escaped again and turned into some lovely meat. I learned several things by owning that pig. I had always been interested in animals and such but this little pig sparked such an interest in farming etc, that I read everything I could find. Turned out my pig was lonely and missing his litter mates. All the fun could have been avoided by getting him a friend. I only ever owned a single pig once after that.
Apparently the stories are funny, amusing, entertaining or all three. Its been mentioned that I should write a book. Until that time comes I thought I'd start putting some remembrances down here. I have always regretted not getting every story I could from my parents before I lost them both.
So here goes:
My best friends lived in the house next door, same side of the road about 1/8 of a mile away. We both bred and showed rough collies which is actually how we met in the first place. (another story)
Anyway, one day they called me up to show me their new 'puppy'. I go running over to find its a baby pig. I WAS IN LOVE. I helped them raise theirs up to butchering weight and we all enjoyed the experience.
Nothing would do that I didn't get my own piglet a few years later. Well live and learn. Pigs are very smart. Plus they are social. So here we are with one little pig in his own little stall in the chicken house. All nice and secure. A few days later my parents came over to see the little guy and after looking they came into the house. I went downstairs to get some laundry out of the machine and look up at the basement window in time to see this little animal go running by.
I realized it was the pig and called to my parents as I run up two stairs at a time. We end up chasing this little thing all over the country side. Up the road, around the yard, through the trees, down the road until I am actually starting to gain on him. Suddenly out the corner of my eye this shape flies by me and throws a rolling body check at the little pig. It was my Dad!!! He was 50 years old at the time but he caught the lovely little pork chop.
We put him back in and closed the door. Five minutes later the pig is standing in the yard. This time it didn't take as long to catch him. He was still quite frisky, like the previous experience was just a warm up, but we managed to corner him in the other barn. As we put him back in the pen, my Dad made every thing so secure Houdini wouldn't have gotten out. We stood and watched this little pig and my Dad said you could actually see him figuring out how he was going to get out this time. He said it was a good thing the pig didn't have a slide rule.
He never escaped again and turned into some lovely meat. I learned several things by owning that pig. I had always been interested in animals and such but this little pig sparked such an interest in farming etc, that I read everything I could find. Turned out my pig was lonely and missing his litter mates. All the fun could have been avoided by getting him a friend. I only ever owned a single pig once after that.
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Haven't been HERE in a while
I was listening to the radio in the car today and they were talking about how the government may decide to ban GPS in cars along with cell phones and whatever else.
The announcer thought it was a stupid idea and was wanting people to call in and agree. Most did because if you let them do that then it won't be long before you can't "drive with your dog in your lap" or while drinking a coffee.
Do people not realize that if you have to stop suddenly or, even worse, are in an accident you are likely going to kill your dog. Great the dog can act like an extra air bag for you.
Then someone called in to say he has seen people putting on make-up or shaving while driving. Are people just plain stupid or what? I've been fortunate enough to be stuck behind some young kid that was driving like a nob and at lights fixing his hair. Well he'd be busy primping and the light would change. Still primping then he realizes it and speeds away to the next light, crossing back and forth across the four lanes of a one way street. Another time behind some stupid woman yapping on the phone and not paying attention. She starts to use my lane as well as her own. So seeing as I know the size of my car I give her a little bit of a fright by coming REAL close to her. That backed her off a little.
And what is with these schmucks driving in on York Blvd. that do not pay attention to the 50 kph limit? I am tired of having them crawl up my a** then speed on by me like I'm so old lady on my way to church. I don't like the limit. Its too slow for that long stretch of road but too bad for me. I got a ticket for making a right on a red when we had lived in Hamilton for maybe a month. I learned my lesson. Since then I STOP at stop signs, wait for lights, don't run reds, and obey the speed limit, stupid as it is at times. And yes, I guess because I am getting OLD, I am getting freakin' cranky with idiot drivers.
i have started writing down license plates numbers and turning them in to the police as they have a stupid driver hot line. They will send a letter to people telling them that they were seen doing something wrong and that they have been warned.
I am loose now......
Dip sh*t.
The announcer thought it was a stupid idea and was wanting people to call in and agree. Most did because if you let them do that then it won't be long before you can't "drive with your dog in your lap" or while drinking a coffee.
Do people not realize that if you have to stop suddenly or, even worse, are in an accident you are likely going to kill your dog. Great the dog can act like an extra air bag for you.
Then someone called in to say he has seen people putting on make-up or shaving while driving. Are people just plain stupid or what? I've been fortunate enough to be stuck behind some young kid that was driving like a nob and at lights fixing his hair. Well he'd be busy primping and the light would change. Still primping then he realizes it and speeds away to the next light, crossing back and forth across the four lanes of a one way street. Another time behind some stupid woman yapping on the phone and not paying attention. She starts to use my lane as well as her own. So seeing as I know the size of my car I give her a little bit of a fright by coming REAL close to her. That backed her off a little.
And what is with these schmucks driving in on York Blvd. that do not pay attention to the 50 kph limit? I am tired of having them crawl up my a** then speed on by me like I'm so old lady on my way to church. I don't like the limit. Its too slow for that long stretch of road but too bad for me. I got a ticket for making a right on a red when we had lived in Hamilton for maybe a month. I learned my lesson. Since then I STOP at stop signs, wait for lights, don't run reds, and obey the speed limit, stupid as it is at times. And yes, I guess because I am getting OLD, I am getting freakin' cranky with idiot drivers.
i have started writing down license plates numbers and turning them in to the police as they have a stupid driver hot line. They will send a letter to people telling them that they were seen doing something wrong and that they have been warned.
I am loose now......
Dip sh*t.
Thursday, 26 June 2008
Do As I Say Not As I Do???? Part 2
For some brilliant reason they have changed the speed limit out on York Blvd. from 70 KMH to 50 KMH. Okay, I can handle that. It's annoying but what the heck: safety, bike riders, (have seen one) etc.
So why was a lady police person driving car # 368 yesterday (summons server) along there at over 70? HMMMMM.
I even tried catching up to give her the evil eye but I stopped speeding when I reached 70. I wonder if there had been a policeman behind me who would have received the ticket? By the way, I still get evil looks and almost rear ended when ever I drive that stretch of roadway. People ought to slow down and enjoy the view.
My favourite sister in law (inside joke because she's my ONLY SIL) came home officially yesterday. My brother and her had been renting a student's sublet in order to be near the hospital for tests, monitoring, etc. But she is home now. No tubes, no fluid exchanges, no salt, (still), no needles, one more test next week, one extra kidney and a glowing complexion.
Went down the other day and watched some young peregrines learning to fly. Actually, it was more like watching paint dry as they had taken a first flight and were still in shock over the fact that they were no longer in their nest box. Two were on top of a bridge hanging on and being teased by pigeons.
At one point the mother took off after a pigeon with the intent of bringing lunch in, but the bird turned at the last minute. But boy the baby peregrines started screeching when they thought there was food coming in.
Not much happening otherwise. The job is still going good as noted on my other blog.
Oh, we had the driveway paved out front and I know its a good idea and it has stopped rain water from coming in the basement, but it sure looks like a huge parking lot out front. For right now it is NOT an improvement. But our new neighbour is going to make flower boxes so that will soften the look a bit.
Also, I think shutters are coming our way. In fact we are getting together with the neighbours and making the houses look similar for the reason that they are mirror images and both built in 1914. That's right, our humble abode is now 94 years old.
So why was a lady police person driving car # 368 yesterday (summons server) along there at over 70? HMMMMM.
I even tried catching up to give her the evil eye but I stopped speeding when I reached 70. I wonder if there had been a policeman behind me who would have received the ticket? By the way, I still get evil looks and almost rear ended when ever I drive that stretch of roadway. People ought to slow down and enjoy the view.
My favourite sister in law (inside joke because she's my ONLY SIL) came home officially yesterday. My brother and her had been renting a student's sublet in order to be near the hospital for tests, monitoring, etc. But she is home now. No tubes, no fluid exchanges, no salt, (still), no needles, one more test next week, one extra kidney and a glowing complexion.
Went down the other day and watched some young peregrines learning to fly. Actually, it was more like watching paint dry as they had taken a first flight and were still in shock over the fact that they were no longer in their nest box. Two were on top of a bridge hanging on and being teased by pigeons.
At one point the mother took off after a pigeon with the intent of bringing lunch in, but the bird turned at the last minute. But boy the baby peregrines started screeching when they thought there was food coming in.
Not much happening otherwise. The job is still going good as noted on my other blog.
Oh, we had the driveway paved out front and I know its a good idea and it has stopped rain water from coming in the basement, but it sure looks like a huge parking lot out front. For right now it is NOT an improvement. But our new neighbour is going to make flower boxes so that will soften the look a bit.
Also, I think shutters are coming our way. In fact we are getting together with the neighbours and making the houses look similar for the reason that they are mirror images and both built in 1914. That's right, our humble abode is now 94 years old.

Monday, 9 June 2008
Sally's Birthday
Today I turned 57. Don't feel like it.
Well, okay parts of me do, sometimes, but for the most part I have to sometimes remind myself that I am of an age where you are supposed to be grown up and act like an adult.
Yeah, like that'll ever happen.
We got up and my hubby wished me a happy birthday and sang his song to me. Then he asked what I wanted to do on my special day. Hard to think of things when its so bleeding HOT. We settled on going down by the lake for a cool breeze and some quiet time. That didn't work because when we got there the benches are not in the shade. I don't like to sit in the sun, and, because of medication, am not supposed to be exposed to the sun for anything longer than (roughly) 37 seconds.
We then decided to drive for twenty minutes north to a place called Lowville. Very pretty little hamlet at the bottom of a valley and has a stream running through the park there. Found a beautiful place to sit and I knitted while hubby played Dobro (resonator guitar: see pictures at his website under instruments).
Then he took the dog for a swim and we let him dry a little and headed home. After THAT, we ended up going back to Lowville because Sidney lost his collar somewhere with the tags on it. We couldn't find it it was off to Tuckers Marketplace where we had reservations for dinner. (They let the birthday person eat for free with proof of age.)
Disappointing actually. Today was so very hot and we got inside to find that their air conditioning didn't seem to be functioning. They never offered an explanation, and they crammed all the early people into one section of the restaurant. That helped bring the temp up more. The food was for the most part good, but not spectacular and the roast beef was probably good too, but you couldn't get much from the Meat Nazi. You'd think the beef roast had been bought with his money. Also we were told there was turkey and when I asked about it the MN grunted "no, sausage". We glanced in the ice cream cooler and it was all melted. Forget using an ice cream scoop. A ladle would have been better. They should have closed that part down entirely. As we were leaving the air seemed to be coming on, but it was too little too late. The waitress got a nice tip because she was wonderful and very efficient. But Tuckers lost points in our books.
Anyway, the best present I could get is that my sister in law with her new kidney came home today. YAY!!
She is SO SPECIAL and she doesn't realize how many people's lives she has touched or enriched. I am so glad that my brother found her and brought her into our family.
Happy Birthday to me! :-)
Well, okay parts of me do, sometimes, but for the most part I have to sometimes remind myself that I am of an age where you are supposed to be grown up and act like an adult.
Yeah, like that'll ever happen.
We got up and my hubby wished me a happy birthday and sang his song to me. Then he asked what I wanted to do on my special day. Hard to think of things when its so bleeding HOT. We settled on going down by the lake for a cool breeze and some quiet time. That didn't work because when we got there the benches are not in the shade. I don't like to sit in the sun, and, because of medication, am not supposed to be exposed to the sun for anything longer than (roughly) 37 seconds.
We then decided to drive for twenty minutes north to a place called Lowville. Very pretty little hamlet at the bottom of a valley and has a stream running through the park there. Found a beautiful place to sit and I knitted while hubby played Dobro (resonator guitar: see pictures at his website under instruments).
Then he took the dog for a swim and we let him dry a little and headed home. After THAT, we ended up going back to Lowville because Sidney lost his collar somewhere with the tags on it. We couldn't find it it was off to Tuckers Marketplace where we had reservations for dinner. (They let the birthday person eat for free with proof of age.)
Disappointing actually. Today was so very hot and we got inside to find that their air conditioning didn't seem to be functioning. They never offered an explanation, and they crammed all the early people into one section of the restaurant. That helped bring the temp up more. The food was for the most part good, but not spectacular and the roast beef was probably good too, but you couldn't get much from the Meat Nazi. You'd think the beef roast had been bought with his money. Also we were told there was turkey and when I asked about it the MN grunted "no, sausage". We glanced in the ice cream cooler and it was all melted. Forget using an ice cream scoop. A ladle would have been better. They should have closed that part down entirely. As we were leaving the air seemed to be coming on, but it was too little too late. The waitress got a nice tip because she was wonderful and very efficient. But Tuckers lost points in our books.
Anyway, the best present I could get is that my sister in law with her new kidney came home today. YAY!!
She is SO SPECIAL and she doesn't realize how many people's lives she has touched or enriched. I am so glad that my brother found her and brought her into our family.
Happy Birthday to me! :-)
Thursday, 5 June 2008
Do As I Say Not As I Do????
So the hubby is going off to work the other morning and saw something interesting. He sees this nice white muscle car coming up behind him. Pulls up next to him and then passes him. Sitting behind the wheel of an unmarked police car is a uniformed officer using two hands to eat with and steering with his knees. The hubby and I are wondering what would have happened if the situation had been reversed. I know they are busy but geez, pull over for a couple of minutes.
Also, what is with the new speed limit of 50 km out on York Blvd.? I don't particularly like it but it IS the limit so I do it. And promptly, and always, run the risk of being rear-ended, or tail-gated or passed on the inside (close to the new bike lane) or being flipped the bird. I wish I could be in an undercover car sometimes. (not eating.)
Oh, and one last little gripe. Did you know that if you don't watch where your dog takes a dump it excuses you from cleaning up after him or her?
Also, what is with the new speed limit of 50 km out on York Blvd.? I don't particularly like it but it IS the limit so I do it. And promptly, and always, run the risk of being rear-ended, or tail-gated or passed on the inside (close to the new bike lane) or being flipped the bird. I wish I could be in an undercover car sometimes. (not eating.)
Oh, and one last little gripe. Did you know that if you don't watch where your dog takes a dump it excuses you from cleaning up after him or her?
Monday, 2 June 2008
My husband thinks I should say what the book is about.
I found the first paragraph so intriguing that I didn't put the book down for over half an hour and only then because I had to go to work. I was hoping that others would feel the same way just by me having that first paragraph here.
Okay, so here goes:
It is a story of a pair of conjoined girls. They are what is called craniopagus twins. They are joined at the head which partly explains the first paragraph.. The story is written so well that it is hard to keep reminding yourself that it IS a novel.
The book is written by both the girls and was beautifully done. It is, as I said, so sad to get to the end of the book. You are left wondering what will happen and why couldn't it go on longer. Aunt Lovey and Uncle Stash (the Girls adoptive parents) sound like they were two very wonderful and loving people.
Anyway, I would suggest reading this. It is a long time since I read a book that made me feel sad to see the ending. Very heartwarming, sad, poignant, funny, uplifting. As one reviewer said on " I felt many emotions, but the strongest was that I had just read the story of two of my best and dearest friends."
I found the first paragraph so intriguing that I didn't put the book down for over half an hour and only then because I had to go to work. I was hoping that others would feel the same way just by me having that first paragraph here.
Okay, so here goes:
It is a story of a pair of conjoined girls. They are what is called craniopagus twins. They are joined at the head which partly explains the first paragraph.. The story is written so well that it is hard to keep reminding yourself that it IS a novel.
The book is written by both the girls and was beautifully done. It is, as I said, so sad to get to the end of the book. You are left wondering what will happen and why couldn't it go on longer. Aunt Lovey and Uncle Stash (the Girls adoptive parents) sound like they were two very wonderful and loving people.
Anyway, I would suggest reading this. It is a long time since I read a book that made me feel sad to see the ending. Very heartwarming, sad, poignant, funny, uplifting. As one reviewer said on " I felt many emotions, but the strongest was that I had just read the story of two of my best and dearest friends."
Saturday, 31 May 2008
I just finished an amazing book. So sad when it ended. It really left me wanting more.
It is called"The Girls" and is by Lori Lansens. She is a Canadian author and did an absolutely splendid job. She should be very proud of herself.
This should be all you need to make you run out and by this book. Quote from the first chapter:
"I have never looked into my sister's eyes. I have never bathed alone. I have never stood in the grass at night and raised my arms to a beguiling moon. I've never used an airplane bathroom. Or worn a hat. Or been kissed like that. I've never driven a car. Or slept through the night. Never a private talk. Or a solo walk. I've never climbed a tree. Or faded into a crowd. So many things I've never done, but oh, how I've been loved. And, if such things were to be, I'd live a thousand lives as me, to be loved so exponentially."
My best friend, Alix, lent me this book and I am now lending it to my other best friend, Sue, to read. I can't even describe what this work does to you. It is just a MUST read, for anyone that has a heart.
Thank you,
I just finished an amazing book. So sad when it ended. It really left me wanting more.
It is called"The Girls" and is by Lori Lansens. She is a Canadian author and did an absolutely splendid job. She should be very proud of herself.
This should be all you need to make you run out and by this book. Quote from the first chapter:
"I have never looked into my sister's eyes. I have never bathed alone. I have never stood in the grass at night and raised my arms to a beguiling moon. I've never used an airplane bathroom. Or worn a hat. Or been kissed like that. I've never driven a car. Or slept through the night. Never a private talk. Or a solo walk. I've never climbed a tree. Or faded into a crowd. So many things I've never done, but oh, how I've been loved. And, if such things were to be, I'd live a thousand lives as me, to be loved so exponentially."
My best friend, Alix, lent me this book and I am now lending it to my other best friend, Sue, to read. I can't even describe what this work does to you. It is just a MUST read, for anyone that has a heart.
Thank you,
Monday, 26 May 2008
Chick Flick NOT
Well, ha ha it wasn't a chick flick after all. Turns out to be about this giant roboty type guy. Pretty good movie actually. Lots of action and explosions and stuff. Bad guys, evil guys, and does Gwyneth Paltrow ever have a nice pair of legs!!
I really liked Robert Downey's character. Nice little bit of everything. Oh, there are some scenes where he looks a lot like a younger Al Pacino.
One thing I will say I am not sure it was the kind of movie that I would have brought my young, say 7 to 10 year old children, to. As did the couple in front of us. There were a few things in the dialogue and action that, to me, were too much for them. One scene of someone definitely having a bedroom adventure. Although I guess it could lead to those questions that you have to deal with anyway. "What was the man doing to that lady, Mummy?"
Oh well, maybe I don't understand PG-13.
BUT, if you like the movie make sure to sit through all the credits at the end. Ignore the cleaning crew trying to get you to leave and the ENDLESS credits, I mean how many drivers do you really need?
After all that there is a little teaser for you.
Enough said, if you like action comic book movies you'll like this movie.
ps, better than the last Batman movie by a MILE.
I really liked Robert Downey's character. Nice little bit of everything. Oh, there are some scenes where he looks a lot like a younger Al Pacino.
One thing I will say I am not sure it was the kind of movie that I would have brought my young, say 7 to 10 year old children, to. As did the couple in front of us. There were a few things in the dialogue and action that, to me, were too much for them. One scene of someone definitely having a bedroom adventure. Although I guess it could lead to those questions that you have to deal with anyway. "What was the man doing to that lady, Mummy?"
Oh well, maybe I don't understand PG-13.
BUT, if you like the movie make sure to sit through all the credits at the end. Ignore the cleaning crew trying to get you to leave and the ENDLESS credits, I mean how many drivers do you really need?
After all that there is a little teaser for you.
Enough said, if you like action comic book movies you'll like this movie.
ps, better than the last Batman movie by a MILE.
Sunday, 25 May 2008
Chick Flick
We don't often go to the movies because of the cost. Mainly we save our money to go to the movies that really should be seen on the big screen. You know: lots of action or special effects.
Well today we are going to see Iron Man which should be fun. My husband says its an action movie, but you can't fool me. I know its a sci fi chick flick about home life. I mean, hello, its iron man. We all know men don't iron. You can barely get them to carry the laundry downstairs, let alone iron it.
So we'll see. Although I'm not sure how they can make a whole movie about ironing and house work, but I must say it is about time!!!
Let you know later how it goes.
Well today we are going to see Iron Man which should be fun. My husband says its an action movie, but you can't fool me. I know its a sci fi chick flick about home life. I mean, hello, its iron man. We all know men don't iron. You can barely get them to carry the laundry downstairs, let alone iron it.
So we'll see. Although I'm not sure how they can make a whole movie about ironing and house work, but I must say it is about time!!!
Let you know later how it goes.
Sunday, 18 May 2008
Sometimes, there is pain that is the worst there can ever be.
My husband plays guitar, whether it be pedal steel, electric, acoustic or resonator. He plays beautifully and spends most of his waking time practicing, learning or honing his craft. There is never an instrument more than two feet away and I hardly ever see him without one in his hands.
We have a PT Cruiser and used to have a car with a handle over the passenger window that you could just hold with your hand and let your arm hang. Well, sometimes you forget and have your hand holding the top sill and don't realize that you're doing it. A couple of times he has started to close the window when I have had my hand there. It is very scary and makes you jump as you pull your hand in. You think of what could have happened and vow to be more careful.
This morning I was driving and we were heading home after having a nice breakfast out. I had left the windows open because the dog was with us. As we left the parking lot I closed the windows because it was rather cool. All of a sudden my husband started to yell. His fingers were trapped.
I opened the window right away and nothing is broken, but I feel so very bad. The pain in my heart is almost unbearable. What if I had ruined his ability to play? I think there will be a little bruising and he won't be happy with me for a little while, but I feel so incredibly terrible that I could have hurt him. That I could have taken away his talent and love. His life almost. It is one of those memories that will stay in your head and your heart forever.
My heart hurts.
My husband plays guitar, whether it be pedal steel, electric, acoustic or resonator. He plays beautifully and spends most of his waking time practicing, learning or honing his craft. There is never an instrument more than two feet away and I hardly ever see him without one in his hands.
We have a PT Cruiser and used to have a car with a handle over the passenger window that you could just hold with your hand and let your arm hang. Well, sometimes you forget and have your hand holding the top sill and don't realize that you're doing it. A couple of times he has started to close the window when I have had my hand there. It is very scary and makes you jump as you pull your hand in. You think of what could have happened and vow to be more careful.
This morning I was driving and we were heading home after having a nice breakfast out. I had left the windows open because the dog was with us. As we left the parking lot I closed the windows because it was rather cool. All of a sudden my husband started to yell. His fingers were trapped.
I opened the window right away and nothing is broken, but I feel so very bad. The pain in my heart is almost unbearable. What if I had ruined his ability to play? I think there will be a little bruising and he won't be happy with me for a little while, but I feel so incredibly terrible that I could have hurt him. That I could have taken away his talent and love. His life almost. It is one of those memories that will stay in your head and your heart forever.
My heart hurts.
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