So why was a lady police person driving car # 368 yesterday (summons server) along there at over 70? HMMMMM.
I even tried catching up to give her the evil eye but I stopped speeding when I reached 70. I wonder if there had been a policeman behind me who would have received the ticket? By the way, I still get evil looks and almost rear ended when ever I drive that stretch of roadway. People ought to slow down and enjoy the view.
My favourite sister in law (inside joke because she's my ONLY SIL) came home officially yesterday. My brother and her had been renting a student's sublet in order to be near the hospital for tests, monitoring, etc. But she is home now. No tubes, no fluid exchanges, no salt, (still), no needles, one more test next week, one extra kidney and a glowing complexion.
Went down the other day and watched some young peregrines learning to fly. Actually, it was more like watching paint dry as they had taken a first flight and were still in shock over the fact that they were no longer in their nest box. Two were on top of a bridge hanging on and being teased by pigeons.
At one point the mother took off after a pigeon with the intent of bringing lunch in, but the bird turned at the last minute. But boy the baby peregrines started screeching when they thought there was food coming in.
Not much happening otherwise. The job is still going good as noted on my other blog.
Oh, we had the driveway paved out front and I know its a good idea and it has stopped rain water from coming in the basement, but it sure looks like a huge parking lot out front. For right now it is NOT an improvement. But our new neighbour is going to make flower boxes so that will soften the look a bit.
Also, I think shutters are coming our way. In fact we are getting together with the neighbours and making the houses look similar for the reason that they are mirror images and both built in 1914. That's right, our humble abode is now 94 years old.

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