Thursday, 25 December 2008

Christmas Morning

When I lived in the country I loved doing my chores. Christmas morning was my favourite. As we all know anticipation helps a lot with the enjoyment of Christmas. It allows our curiosity to build and if you have your work done ahead of time it leaves you moments that you can use for opening and enjoying presents. Or for just enjoying, period.

On Christmas morning I would always get up and make sure all the animals were well fed. They each got a special treat even if it was just some extra attention. I would clean out the waters and make sure it was all fresh and not frozen. I loved to do the bird feeders and especially putting peanut butter on the trees for the nuthatches and chickadees. One time I even had a little chickadee land on my knife while I was getting peanut butter out of the jar. WoWWW.

The bunnies would get carrots and the horse got an apple. The animals seemed to sense the difference in my mood too. They respond to the vibes you give off and therefore it seems like they know its Christmas too.

We had these Muscovy ducks and they are quite gregarious little creatures. They wag their tail at you, and it would be so nice to carry them some cracked corn and watch all the tails going and have the males chuckle at you. They sort of hiss a 'hee hee hee' at you and bob their heads.

My dogs (I used to breed and show Rough Collies) would always respond to the different mood that day and I loved to have them all out running around and playing and chasing each other. And ME!!! We used to roll in the snow and wrestle.

The one thing you could count on happening every single day,(even Christmas) was Harry the goose hissing at you and trying to smack you with a wing. The other geese were quite nice and seemed to know who fed them, but Harry was evil on two webbed feet. One time as i was exiting the barn, he surprised me and got me in the ankle. I went down because my whole leg went numb it hurt so much. I saw him coming and the only thing I could think to do was to grab him by the neck and lift him off the ground. He didn't know what to do then because he was totally helpless. I could almost see fear in his eyes when he realized I could shorten his life. I didn't because I actually have admiration for something that weighs 8 pounds and thinks it can take on a full grown, very hurt and angry woman.

Harry, I actually miss you.

Merry Christmas everyone ! ! ! ! ! !

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