So, when last we spoke, my INR was at 2.2. Last week it went to 2.5 and I guessed I was staying at the same medication. The pharmacist had the week off because of it being spring break for the schools. She had her children at home and they took a small vacation.
So I kept the meds the same and went for the test on Monday morning. Tuesday the results were 2.5. I figured that since its within the range I should keep the meds where they are again.
Which brings us to this week. Meds were the same and the INR this week is 2.0. So I am guessing that I will get another blood test on Monday and see how its going.
Maybe I've stabilized now. That would be nice. it helps that my dentist knows about this stuff. I broke a tooth right off last Friday. It didn't hurt because its been root canal-ed, but when it broke it left behind some pretty sharp edges. Both my tongue and cheek were getting ruined.
I had an appointment for tomorrow to get it done and something possessed me to call them today. Sure enough they had a cancellation and were able to get me in. He figured that seeing as the tooth was going to come out anyway, he might as well pull the tooth right then.
So a little freezing and he gets his official tooth puller outer tool. He has to push it in first and then they twist and tug one way, then the other.
It only had one root but at the very end the root spread out into two little roots. It still came out without a problem. Now I have a mouth full of gauze and instructions of what to do. After the swelling leaves we wait until it settles down and then look at the options.
* * * * *
Today was my first x-ray and pulmonary function test. I have to get that every six months because of the amiodarone that I am on for the heart rhythm.
Then I also have to get liver and thyroid function tests because of the same drug from my own doctor. Those are done once a year.
I don't like breathing tests. I used to do lots of them for the Clinic's testing of ways to diagnose asthma.
Funny, the tests aren't THAT hard but I really don't like going there and doing them any more. Its not that they are hard, its just that I've had enough of them. The odd thing is I don't mind having needles, or blood drawn etc. But I just don't like the breathing tests.
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