Again, when I was living in the country, I had this friend up the road who used to like to go to the livestock auctions. You can usually get young pigs or lambs or chickens to grow up to butcher weight.
Well, one day he comes down to my house and says "I've got something for you." Knowing him the way I did, I wasn't sure what to expect. He opens the back of his truck and he has a Saanen goat. A female, full grown. I didn't know what I was going to do with her, but she bleeted at me and it was love.
So we off load her and she immediately starts to follow me around. I can see she can't walk well, (I suspected arthritis) but I don't care. She was quite tall, enough so, that I could pet her without having to even bend down. Well, she adopted me. I called her Daisy and I really enjoyed knowing her. I used to give her a quarter of an aspirin with her food every day to help her joints and she would get up on the back porch and wait in the sun for me to come outside. If I went anywhere during the day she would be so glad to see me when I came home. She'd come hobbling over as fast as she could and softly butt me with her head.
Saanens are the white goats with a beard, and yes even the females have a small one. I had her for probably three more years but in the end I had to take her to be butchered as she was in such pain. The aspirin wasn't helping her anymore and there was nothing the vet could do that wouldn't cost an absolute fortune. I couldn't afford to have her put down and disposed of by the vet and I regret that immensely. I would get another one in a heartbeat if I ever had country land again.
Next time: Dolly the wonder sheep
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