Saturday, 3 June 2006

Sirens and Traffic

Okay, whose brilliant idea was it to give the ambulances and police cars these new multi choice sirens?

They ought to live near an ambulance station for a week and then see how good that thought was.

The station is one block from our house and by the mere location the majority of them pass by our front door. Sure you get used to them and, because it’s a one way street, they usually turn the siren off after they have made the corner. Unless there is lots of traffic or it’s a critical case. How some ever, why, in heaven’s name do they have to try out every sound they can make. Lots of times I swear it is just the fun of having a new toy.

The other evening, for example, co-incidentally, the same day they protested the shortage of crew and vehicles, I was out in the yard and could hear in the distance, the European siren. It kept coming and coming, getting closer and closer. I’m starting to think there must be a very bad crisis for this siren to be going for such a long time. It sounded like it was coming from downtown. Anyway, it kept getting louder and louder, closer and closer. I’m thinking what could have happened in our area? An evacuation? Huge accident? Large, out of control fire?

The ambulance cleared the intersection here, turned off the siren and went into their garage????!!!!!!

Little stupid, don’t you think? Lot stupid!! There were no other ambulances coming out of there at the time and they didn’t go in and trade vehicles or anything. Must have been quitting time.

Anyway, just curious. I really do appreciate all the work and effort they, as well as police, and fire fighters put in. It can’t be any easy life. But let’s go back to the everyday siren and quit playing with the darn thing.

My traffic thing. Again.

Love sitting on the porch watching the bozos going through the intersection. Every single night I am amazed that there are not more incidents here. So many people run the red light or jump the green light that it is just a question of time before we have a major accident. Every single night there are several idiots that will come around the corner a little too wide and nearly clip the dope next to him. The driver of that car has to lean on his horn and express his total displeasure with that idiot, traffic, life, and the world in general. At least now that the weather is better, windows are open and I am learning some new words. None that I would use here, but what the heck.

They also have to speed up the hill, gradual slope actually, and yell some more or at least do the testosterone ‘my vehicles tougher that yours’ thing.

There are two lanes turning left at said intersection. They are turning onto a three lane road, BUT, one lane is there for people coming the other direction and turning right. When I learned to drive I was told that if you are in the right hand lane before the corner you should be in the right hand lane after. If you are second lane out then follow that around the corner and you should still end up in the second lane. There are a lot of the same vehicles going by there every night. I know because I sit out there every evening waiting for my husband to come home from work. I recognize certain cars. Why haven’t some of them learned YET that they have to stay in their lane???????

Why do they think they can cut inside the truck coming around the corner? What do they think that sign “This vehicle makes wide turns” means? And why so darn fast?

Same as the people making the right turn. So many times I have seen them come around there and swing two and even three lanes wide, mainly because they are also going too fast. We actually had some one come around that corner one night that lost control and took out a ten foot tree in front of my neighbour’s house. Now that house is the fifth one from the corner!! We still haven’t actually figured out how he did it, because from the direction he was coming he ended up facing back the way he came in order to get the tree. Even more amazing is that he managed to lose control but miss a fire hydrant on one side and a street lamp post on the other. Threaded it through about 12 feet of open space.

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