They had shown me the baby in the delivery room and when the nurse came to check on me that night I was crying. She asked what the problem was and I explained that I didn't like the baby. I thought he was 'funny looking.'
The nurse told me I was tired and just wait until the morning. Well, I did, and when they brought that little boy to me, I was ecstatic!!!!
I was amazed, in love, smitten, thrilled, overjoyed, pleased, happy and in LOVE!
This little moving creature was mine. I made him (with some help of course). And he was meant to be my little boy.
* * * * *
During his first year of life, I had such fun with him. As he was turning one my then husband had a very bad car accident that laid him off work for several months and destroyed the brand new car. Around that time I discovered, even though on birth control, that I was pregnant again.
My late ex mother in law saw me and said, in a snotty sort of, looking down on me in a not very pleased, it was, my fault are you insane, sort of way and 'asked' me "you're not pregnant AGAIN, are you?
Fast forward to July 17th, 1975. The doctor had decided that I would be induced for this baby, so I showed up pretty early in the morning with the phrase the doctor told me to use: "I'm in labour," and with that I was taken to a room.
They hooked me up to something or other and I was 'off'.
Okay not really, because nothing happened ! ! ! ! !
So they increased the dose. In the meantime I find out the buzzer I have is not working and I have no idea where the husband is. I scream and I holler, but nobody answers. There are already enough people doing the same thing.
its now evening and my Mum arrived and sat with me for a while. Finally, 'he' shows up (he was downstairs watching the hockey game) and asks how I am doing.
So now I'm: hungry, angry, lost, hurting, scared, fed up and overall wondering why I started this in the first place. (Don't forget this happened while on birth control.)