Wednesday, 20 July 2011

So I thought it was hot in May ? ? ? ? ?

NOT even close.

We have this freaky weather going on that is absolutely insane. Yeah, I agree, Being warm is nice. IN THE WINTER ! ! ! ! !

But don't freakin' cook me ! ! ! ! !

As stated before I work in a store that has A/C. Not cool enough for me. I get there and start to work and melt all at the same time. I just can't handle the heat. Its just not right that when you go outside you have to make sure you have an inhaler with you.

Tomorrow, they say it will feel like 117 degrees FAHRENHEIT. That's more than half way to boiling. Its just a few degrees over, but its still closer to boiling than not. Oh, and for you Celsius people, its going to feel like 47.

So how come its just as hot in both scales. Boiling point of water is 212 F or 100C. Yet in F we are more than 50% closer to boiling than you are in C. Shouldn't my temperatures have gone down if the metric system has me less than half way to the boiling point???

Somehow it doesn't make me feel any cooler.

* * * * *

I still think the world has gone to hell since they switched to the metric system.

- No one knows what they are paying for a gallon of gas anymore. Or how many MPG's they are getting. Since they went metric, everything has been screwed up.

- The weather has gotten worse

- The manufacturers are giving us less product for the same money and then increasing the price after several months, figuring we won't realize its a DOUBLE increase in price.

I remember the advertising saying that it would be easier to figure the prices because (the example used was toothpaste) if you saw 100 mls for 99 cents and 300 mls for $2.49 you could figure the price out easier and buy the better value.

All well and good.

Except that the manufacturers are NOT universal in their own product lines, let alone between competitors. How can you compare when one company quotes you .79 cents per 100 ml and someone else has the same type of product quoted in kilos? Mls are quantity, kilos are weight.

And what's with fabric softener saying it does 77 loads and then, even from the same manufacturer, the next size up will be 90 loads and size down will be 48 loads.

WTF ! ! ! ! !

The End

for now.

Monday, 30 May 2011

OKAY, ALL READY ! ! ! ! ! ! !

I hate the heat. 

Just letting you know.

It is May 30th, 2011 and it is too early to be dealing with freakin' humidity. I work in a store and its got AC, but its still not cool enough for me. I need to get a job in a beer fridge.

Think of it! They couldn't want anyone better.
I like being cold and I don't drink beer!!

* * * * *

I just came back from taking the dogs for a walk. They're not happy with the heat either. Within five minutes Sid had had it with the temp and shortly after that Emma looked at me like "Fix it!!!!!" They are now both laying stretched out on the cool part of the floor. When they warm it up they move again.

* * * * *

Also today I saw at least eight speeders just on York Blvd. alone, eastbound by the cemetery going well over the posted limit of 60 kph. No police around. Damn it. Then I have several stop signs on the way home, one of which is a four way stop at a pretty busy cross street. This lady just drove right through, without stopping, just to make a left turn !! Barely even slowed down!!! There were three other cars there. She's damn lucky no one jumped the sign.

Besides her, I mean.

 * * * * *
And lastly.

I wish I had thought of the cupcake truck idea. How much fun is that, to have people paying a ridiculous amount of money for something you made with your own two hands??!!!

Course I also wish I had thought of:

panty hose (used to wear what we called leotards back in the day and thought if they could make them, why couldn't they make stockings like that as well. There is nothing like the thrill of wearing a garter belt and having one of the snaps let go and hit you in the rear as your walking or even worse, leaning over at your locker.

Freezing warts - had a wart when I was a little kid and the doctor was going to cut it out. (between the big and next toe). Now I am pretty good about needles. I had so many as a kid (asthma all my life) that I went the way of when I see a needle coming I just present an arm.
Well, when I found out he was going to stick a needle between my toes to freeze it for cutting, I F R E A K E D !!!
He even, get ready, sprayed it with a freezing compound so he could insert the needle with out hurting (?) me. Didn't help. He was not getting near me. Anyway, the wart disappeared within a few weeks or however long they take to DIE!!!!!

When I think of more I'll add them but for now I am happy to admit I was born before my time. Just not far enough before.

'cause I KNOW I should be living in a big old house with lots of land, being waited on. Not all the time, though. Just occasionally. I need some one to clean up after I have had my fun cooking in the kitchen. Either that , or I need a really huge kitchen with LOTS of storage space and counters.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

The Group

I signed up for a depression group. Its not a 'how to'. Its more of a 'how to handle it'. We meet once a week for 7 weeks. This week is the 4th one. Its interesting. Its amazing when you get to talk to people that have been in the same place as yourself. That understand what that 'place' is like.

Monday, 9 May 2011

GREAT weekend

My Hubby's band played Saturday night and all the people I invited showed up ! ! ! ! ! Everyone enjoyed the show.I actually had reserved a table for 24 and ended up still needing 4 more seats. I only 'knew' about three quarters of the people at our table, but soon found out the others were people my hubby had invited.

And they actually showed up! ! ! ! !

I even had my brother and SIL (sister in law) there. They drove for three hours to come and stay overnight near the venue. We met for supper before the show and then met the next morning for breakfast. That was rough for all of us as, being that it was Mother's Day, the restaurants were going to be packed. We were late going to bed, about 2:30 am and then had to be up at 8 to make a 9 o'clock reservation. That was the latest I could get and be assured that we wouldn't have a long waiting time.

Breakfast was great, and there were a fair number of people there already. By the time we left the crowd was really starting to build.

We then took them to a favourite spot of ours. Its a park, in a valley up Highway 6. It has a beautiful river running through it, which will be filled with fish fairly soon. I think it is trout that run now. I know salmon run in the fall. The water was decently high too, because of the recent rain we had had.

The weather was gorgeous, the dogs ran everywhere; their one, our two. It was a wonderful day. I don't get to see my brothers as often as I'd like to. Three hours is a long drive to just sit and have a few hour visit, and then have to turn around and come home. I usually go up and stay for a couple of days, but that's hard to do with work schedules.

My baby brother retires, after 33 years, on June 9th. That's also when I turn 60. I hope we both get to celebrate the day in a grand way. I think I'm going to buy him a house cleaning apron. I hope I can get one that mentions retirement on it.

I'm very happy for him and proud of him.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Oi ! ! ! !

This post was actually written February 3rd, 2011.

I don't know what else to say about the drivers in this city. How hard is it to understand the word 'STOP'?

Why do people continue to use their cell phones? And what is with the aggressive women drivers out there? I mean some aggression is good or you'd sit there forever trying to get into traffic. But driving 20 over the speed limit in a school zone??? Its not just women, although they are by far the majority. But the age range, sadly, goes from I'd say 20 to 35. The number of people breaking the rules goes up as the age goes down.

What I am talking about?

Last night I drove home in the aftermath of a fairly decent blizzard. I travel a good 6 kms. to work, or approximately a 10 minute ride. In that space of time, I saw three people run a red light, one person on a cell phone, probably 5 that barely slowed down at a stop sign, and two people that actually did stop.

I can't imagine what it must be like to be a police officer and see all this stuff everyday. What's worse is they get to see the aftermath when there is an accident. My late brother, who was a firefighter, had to cut someone out of a car once. The car was on its roof and the person lived, but they had been speeding and were badly injured.

Why don't people learn????

And don't get me started on drunks! ! !

Sunday, 27 February 2011


You know how you walk into a room to get something and forget what it was? Then you have to go back where you start from and hope it will jog your memory. Well, that's been happening to me a lot lately. Funny, (weird, strange) thing is that this has been happening much more often since I had a bad reaction to an antibiotic back in September.

As always, when I get a cold it goes immediately to the chest and I have trouble breathing. So the doctor started me on an antibiotic. Apparently I had had this one before, but at this time I didn't remember.

I started taking it on a Monday and by Thursday it was still not moving out of my chest. On that day I had forgotten to have breakfast and started to notice I was hungry. Then I noticed heart palpitations. I was taking my dog to the park and when I got out of the car I felt very dizzy, So much so that my vision actually blurred around the edges. I tried walking a few feet and could hardly breathe. My heart was fluttering all over the place. Each stop I made that day I felt worse. I went home, because heaven forbid I would get it checked out. I did stop at the drug store and checked my BP which was all over the place.

So anyway, I went home and mentioned to my hubby that my heart was beating fast. It did settle down somewhat when I got home.

The next day, the same thing starts to happen. I decided to stop at work and ask if they could get someone to take my shift that afternoon. If they couldn't I could come in but I'd rather not. They thought I didn't look well at all. I talked to my girlfriend and she convinced me to get it checked out at the hospital because my colour was very bad.

I sit in the hospital for quite a while, they finally come and get me and hook me up to the EKG machine and heart monitors and take blood samples. They can tell if you've had a heart attack by doing a blood test. Turns out, I was having an allergic reaction to the medication! ! ! ! No heart attack ! ! ! !

So I have now added another thing I can't take.

Back to the memory. I really have noticed this forgetting thing. Enough so, that it really, really bothers me.

I lost my Mom to Alzheimer's Disease. I hope I NEVER, EVER get that. If I found out I did I would kill myself. That is such a horrible disease to watch and it must be that much worse to have it happening to you. I watched my Mom lose all her dignity, zest for life, possessions, family, and worst of all her 'self'.

When she died she was a shell. There was nobody left in there. It was a blessing to have her go. I know that might be mean to say, but if she had known how bad it would be and had asked me to end her suffering, I would have done it in a heartbeat.

There was one time she was to be examined by the doctor and he wanted my help to get her undressed. I refused to do it. I told him that she would never have gotten undressed in front of me and I was NOT going to put her through that. He said 'she wouldn't know' and I said 'you don't know that for sure.'

Luckily there are tests you can take that can help you maybe figure out if you are heading down that road. One thing a doctor once told me was that if you remember you forgot something, then you don't have Alzheimer's. 

 So keep remembering stuff ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! !

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Things that can break your heart

I wouldn't normally let anyone know this because I have this tough image of myself. But right now I feel like my heart is breaking. There is a member of my hubby's band that is leaving because he can't get his heart into the practicing anymore.

I often joked that if I didn't love my husband so much and this guy wasn't married I'd have been after him. I am sitting here right now, tears trickling down my face, wishing I had never met him. He was such a joy to watch on stage. He was probably half the show just by his enthusiasm and stage presence.

I always watch my husband play when I am there but this man drew my eye because he was having so much fun. He would get so into his music and he loved to have musical duels with my hubby. He will be sorely missed by the whole band and probably mostly by me.

There isn't enough room to put the crying face on here that I need.


Sunday, 9 January 2011

Giant Beer Vats

Molson bought these giant vats from Germany and then had to have them delivered to Hamilton. They could have gone into Toronto, except that there was absolutely no way to get them to the Molson's plant up by Toronto International Airport.

You see not only would they have to remove and reinstall literally thousands of hydro, cable and phone lines, BUT there was just no way to get it past the Gardiner Expressway. That is an elevated roadway that passes across the bottom of the city between the lake and most of the buildings. Then if you could have gotten past that, you just needed to make it under the railway tracks which also run across the bottom of the city. And because Toronto is a hub for a lot of railway traffic there are several sets of tracks beside each other! ! ! !

Not to mention what a mess it would be trying to move those things at night in Toronto on ANY street going north. So Hamilton won out and they are taking a very circuitous route around obstacles.

Sooooooo, that led to them coming into Hamilton and being moved through our city over to the edge of Burlington, north, then east along hwy. 5 then north, then east, then south, east, north, then east, then south, southeast, southwest, west, north, south, west, north, west and south to its destination. This was all going to take place over 4 nights. 

Didn't happen. They only got about 4.8 kms (just under 3 miles). A trip by car that takes 15 minutes, maybe, took them from 9 pm until 6 am the next morning. This put them short of their original first night stop by 12.3 kms (7.6 miles). So, they went a grand total of around three miles in 9 hours. Good thing is, they still move faster than most government agencies.

The first is the picture of the back end of the first vat and then the front end of the second vat. Apparently the convoy is one kilometre long!

Sorry they aren't as clear as I would have liked them to be but I was getting cold from waiting so long and then they turned off the streetlights. So with the shaking of my hands and the fact of trying both natural light and flash, these are what I ended up with.

* * * * * 

I have three blogs going now and I am trying to make myself work on them. I have the ideas but life gets in the way sometimes. I really like writing so I have decided that I will set myself down once a week, Sunday morning, and work on the blogs. This will entail me keeping some notes, etc and then referring to them when the time comes.

I not only like writing them, but I feel a responsibility now to my few fans and I also even get told by them that I "haven't written a blog in a while. "

This better work.